Mock Trials and Trepidations

Another Suits Fanfic! I think by now you guys know how much I love writing for this particular fandom even though I don’t keep up with the show that much anymore.

Title: Mock Trials and Trepidations
Fandom: Suits
Genre: Drama/Friendship
Rating: K
Characters: Harvey S., Donna P., Mike R.,  OC
Summary: Tags to Play The Man. In the aftermath of the mock trial, Mike faces challenges with his boss and his secretary who seem adamant on giving him the cold shoulder. Feeling a bit lost and defeated, Mike is contacted by an old friend from his childhood days amidst his greatest time of need for a friend.

Oh man, I’ve been MIA for too long. School just has this annoying tendency to get in the way of everything productive (ironically).

But, since I’m back, I’ll post a link to my recent fanfic. It’s a Suits fanfiction because I just recently started watching it and I’m totally in love with the show and its characters (except Rachel. I hate her).
Anyway, it’s a little fic that is a take on my view of Harvey and Mike’s playful banter. Hopefully I was able to portray it right.

Title: Kicking Your Ass To Kingdom Come
Fandom: Suits
Characters: Harvey Specter, Mike Ross, Donna (I don’t know her last name LOL)
Shipping: None
Genre: Humor/Family
Rating: T
Summary: Mike and Harvey banter when they should be working. Harvey doesn’t know if his concern for Mike is normal (Constantly pushing away his big brother instincts). OR Just a fluffy short in which Donna threatens Harvey and Mike with a time-out.

Hope you like it! 😀